Tactic: Biting vampires with your last AP
It's often been considered 'mindless stupidity' to bite a vampire in the square you go to sleep in - afterall, if they find you resting in their square, they will no doubt bite back, right?
Well, that notion in itself is true, however, consider the maths of it... you don't need to have Suction to realise it is a form of protection. Let's face it, many vampires are bloodlusters, and will bite anyone in the square they wake up in anyway.
So if you hit one of those vampires, sure, you don't gain anything (or not much), however, consider how much you would have lost by simply letting the opportunity pass.
Here's a little table to explain the math...
$[ | $[ | ?[ | <- them | ttl | |
$[ | 0 | -1 | +1 | 0 | |
$[ | +1 | 0 | +2 | 3 | |
?[ | -1 | -2 | 0 | -3 | |
you ^ |
$ vampire has Suction
$ vampire has no Suction
? Suction doesn't matter
[ vampire bites (back)
[ vampire doesn't bite (back)
It's very simplified, of course, but should get the point of this document across despite paying no attention to scenarios in which there are several vampires in the square / et cetera. The overall point stays the same: You should bite the vampires in the square you rest in to minimise your own bloodloss.