
Yak 45 Omnibank
Yak and 45th
The Thorn's Pride
Despair and 38th
16 AP NE
Melpomene Station
Zelkova and 50th
Freedom Trade Alliance
Amethyst and 46th
0 AP


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    Freedom Trade Alliance
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    Amethyst and 47th
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    Anguish and 47th
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    There is a cork board here with notes pinned all over it. Above the board is a plaque:

    "This is a NON-roleplaying board, for the purpose of gathering and sharing information about powers, guilds and shops. We are a Fellowship for the promotion of free and fair exchange of resources, access to city facilities, and assistance for new arrivals within RavenBlack City. Yes, this is an Alliance. It's a collaboration of vampires from all over the city - regardless of clan status.

    Clan wars, clan ads, and clan talk are not welcome on this board. Insults and accusations are not welcome on this board. Posts with no positive value are not welcome on this board.

    Come and join us here."