The howling wind and thunder can be heard for miles as the lightening strikes perilously around every corner of the castle. A torrential rain is falling and only those that can cross through the storm intact will be able to enter the WEB!Just inside the outer wall stands a signpost:
You have entered the web of stormy jayne.
It is a Sanctuary and home dedicated and built for stormy jayne by her beloved husband jimmher, to honor her, but it is a home for both of them as they are ONE. Theirs is a love so pure and consuming that most only hear of it in fairy tales.
The web is a maze. Quite deceiving and you may end up in places you would never want to go. Only stormy jayne and jimmher know the true paths.
You are welcome to roam about at your own risk. The first floor is open to all visitors to make themselves at home. The upper floors are by invitation only and protected by enchantment to keep out unwanted visitors and *ahem* some family members.
Tread carefully or the storms may swallow you!
Linger if you dare!! |