
Regret 70 Omnibank
Regret and 70th
1 AP W
The Crossed Swords Tavern
Sorrow and 70th
3 AP E
Urania Station
Malachite and 75th
23 AP SW
Ms Delgado's Manor
Sorrow and 69th


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    Steel and 70th
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    Regret 70 Omnibank
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    Cress D'Veldrin
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    Steel and 71st
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    Barely noticeable from the outside, it is simple to walk by the Cress D'Veldrin as if it is just another of the run-down buildings in the district, however upon closer inspection, there seems to be a dark force looming from within, potentially drawing the eyes of those gifted in obtenetration. And even then, it is nothing but a phantasm echoing into nothing, hidden from the world save for a few blighted eyes.