
Fir 2 Omnibank
Fir and 2nd
Bloodwood Canopy Cafe
Duck and 7th
12 AP SW
Calliope Station
Mongoose and 25th
48 AP SE
Sartori's Domicile
Elm and 1st
0 AP


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    Sartori's Domicile
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    Dug out near the main D'dary household situated in the north west corner of the city, a large network of underground caves riddle the north of the city. Although only a small trap door can be seen from the dark alleyway above, the insignia of Sartori D'dary is unmistakably printed upon it.

    Those that would dare venture into the darkness below would find miles of tunnel lit up by many small candles across the walls, their tiny beams of light showing the way forward. If they knew how to navigate through this labyrinth they'd find a large steel door bolted shut at the end of one of the damp tunnels, again, bearing Sartori's family insignia.

    Behind the door are the part time dwellings and full time storage house of Sartori and his family. Everything precious to him he stores here, hundreds of thousands of gold coins, old books, spells, incantations, a spear that emanates power and even a large nondescript scythe.

    An ever burning fireplace warms the small room and above it hangs the only known portrait of his partner, Sheyrena.

    Description taken from RCPedia.