
Knotweed 15 Omnibank
Knotweed and 15th
6 AP W
The Last Days
Mongoose and 15th
0 AP
Calliope Station
Mongoose and 25th
20 AP S
Saki's Fondest Wish
Nightingale and 17th


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    "The Last Days doubles as a restaurant, and pride themselves with being far enough away from the main shopping street to have a quiet surrounding, but not too far as that one would need to walk a good while to reach a bank." (Salaxian tourist page)

    The owner of The Last Days is a shady character who goes by the name Ian Trafford and is rumoured to have several psychopathic tendencies. Perhaps that is why he gets along with his vampiric self and others so well - he was turned into a vampire ages ago, but never left his "proper" job as a barkeeper. Due to his age, however, he's seen many people frequent this bar in his lifetime, people like Dahmer or Giles de Rays(sp?).

    From the outside, The Last Days is a gigantic golden dome, made out of a metallic, yet somewhat translucent material that is typically not familiar to the citizens of RavenBlack City. A glitzy sign proclaims