Set a short distance from the street is an ancient and cozy little cottage. Surrounded by the larger, more modern buildings that now clog the city, it appears diminutive at the very least. Its grey stone exterior is rough and the red tutor style tiled roof is worn with age - a small chimney regularly spews smoke from one side.
There are two square, blacked out windows on each side of an unusually massive Gothic arched door that has obviously been added at another time. An enormous iron dragon, with a heavy ring in its mouth for knocking, emblazons the dark wooden door.
There is a stone path along the minute but perfectly manicured dark sod lawn, that leads to the door. In the spring, colourful flowers grow along the path. An evil looking and ornate iron fence surrounds the property with two iron dragons statues scowling, securing each side of the gate, eyes gleaming red as if almost alive. On the gate is a wooden sign.
"This is Hesu's Place... only invited guests are welcome. Go ahead... try it... I dare you!!!" |