
Umbrella 20 Omnibank
Umbrella and 20th
8 AP W
The Wild Hunt
Vulture and 11th
18 AP NW
Clio Station
Zelkova and 25th
10 AP SE
Wolfe Mansion
Willow and 20th
0 AP


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    Description taken from RCPedia.

    Hidden by trees, deep in the city, there is a darkness where no moonlight intrudes. The canopy of foliage above blocks out even the brightest of lunar light. Some distance beyond the gates, the scurrying sounds of some uncertain creatures can be heard. Occasionally the smell of blood or fear brings them forth, their fangs bared. Past the owners' cherished wolves looms the seemingly abandoned, black stone mansion, in front of which stands a sculpture of two vampires entwined, with a plaque reading:

    Home of The Wolfe's
    ladypeacek & whatdidyousay
    ~Companions for Eternity~
    Kaio999~Patriarch of the Wolfe's
    Family and friends welcomed.
    All others beware.
    Do not disturb.