
Amethyst 37 Omnibank
Amethyst and 37th
The Ferryman's Arms
Yak and 30th
Clio Station
Zelkova and 25th
16 AP NE
The River Passage
Yew and 33rd
0 AP


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    The jagged overhanging stalactites outlining the dark cave entrance create a threatening scowl to any who would come close to entering. A dark, descending, razor edged path leads down to an eventual even gradient at the pit of the cave, alongside a fog-laden marsh. Small lanterns give off the only light, appearing at various intervals along the path. Each beacon flickers with a mysterious black flame that seems to lean in towards anyone who passes. Lanterns appear within the water's depths, representing the souls lost to the Styx. Mist swirls around, reaching out in wisps, caressing visitors' cheeks like whispers.

    At the path's end an ancient dock juts out, piercing the water's edge, its stone worn smooth from ravages of ageless water. Five river channels flow out in different directions, each collecting to a single reservoir that seems to hum softly with some indistinct conversation. There is no certainty to the direction of the current; the water seems to churn and mass upon itself. Through the thick haze, a small boat can be seen making it's way slowly to the dock, it's oarsman shrouded in a cloak of shadows. A feeling of being watched and weighed pervades the area.

    An engraved brass sign on the dock reads "Felicitations on reaching the point of where you now stand. The Pathway to the Corridor. Do you dare have the conviction to continue?"