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Last edited: 2017-11-18 22:18:21

Scrolls of Turning

Basic Concept

A Scroll of Turning 'turns' the tables for a vampire that is trapped outside a square wanting to get in. It forces all vampires in the square into the surrounding ones. The spell is powerful enough to subtract bloodpoints from those stricken - 10 BP per vampire. 'Worse' yet, if used as a weapon, a Scroll of Turning can be used ad infinitum on the same vampire - they do not need to move beforehand, they can get bounced from one end of the city to the next if there is a vampire with enough Scrolls of Turning to do that.

You need 50 blood to use Scrolls of Turning.

Power Effects

Stamina renders a vampire partially immune to Scrolls of Turning as an attack and moving mechanism.

Stamina(1): 25% chance (effectively reducing damage to 7.5 BP per scroll)
Stamina(2): 50% chance (effectively reducing damage to 5 BP per scroll)
Stamina(3): 75% chance (effectively reducing damage to 2.5 BP per scroll)

Neutrality at any level renders a vampire completely immune to the damaging effect of Scrolls of Turning, but they will still be moved regardless of Neutrality level. BattleCloaked vampires behave the same way when attacked by vampires without BattleCloaks.


Scrolls of Turning are the least costly of all weapons by absolute price, but by far the most costly by coins/BP, excepting Holy Water on vampires with very little blood. (Fractional values rounded up.)

500 coins @ Normal Shops
coins/BP: 50 against Stamina(0), 67 vs. Sta(1), 100 vs. Sta(2), 200 vs. Sta(3)
485 coins @ Normal Shops, Charisma(1)
coins/BP: 49 against Stamina(0), 65 vs. Sta(1), 97 vs. Sta(2), 194 vs. Sta(3)
464 coins @ Normal Shops, Charisma(2)
coins/BP: 47 against Stamina(0), 62 vs. Sta(1), 93 vs. Sta(2), 186 vs. Sta(3)
449 coins @ Normal Shops, Charisma(3)
coins/BP: 45 against Stamina(0), 60 vs. Sta(1), 90 vs. Sta(2), 180 vs. Sta(3)

350 coins @ Discount Shops
coins/BP: 35 against Stamina(0), 47 vs. Sta(1), 70 vs. Sta(2), 140 vs. Sta(3)
339 coins @ Discount Shops, Charisma(1)
coins/BP: 34 against Stamina(0), 46 vs. Sta(1), 68 vs. Sta(2), 136 vs. Sta(3)
325 coins @ Discount Shops, Charisma(2)
coins/BP: 33 against Stamina(0), 44 vs. Sta(1), 66 vs. Sta(2), 130 vs. Sta(3)
314 coins @ Discount Shops, Charisma(3)
coins/BP: 32 against Stamina(0), 42 vs. Sta(1), 63 vs. Sta(2), 126 vs. Sta(3)

250 coins refund @ Pawn Shops